Round The Pond and Grasstrack Racing at Whitworth Park
These races are for U-7, U-9 and U-11 age groups to give the youngsters a taste of racing in a fun, friendly atmosphere
They are part of the club’s coaching programme so free. Note that the first race starts at 18.30 so you
need to be there before that time to sign on and put your number on. There are usually 2 races for each age group at Round the Pond and a variety of races at the Grasstrack events.
Round The Pond Racing returns in Spring 2020 - look out for dates in our monthly newsletters....
Provisional Dates:
All start at 18.30 and last about 60 minutes on Monday evenings
20th April rpr
27th April rpr
4th May rpr
11th May rpr
18th May rpr
1st June rpr
8th June gt
15th June gt
22nd June gt
Check the newsletters for any changes.
RPR = round the pond racing starts 18.30
gt = Grass track racing around the football pitch at 18.30