Youth Club Runs
Each month we organise a youth ride. Parents are encouraged to ride with the youth (or at least have another parent designated to watch over them.
Exact details of time and locations / routes will be published each month on social media.
We anticipate that of course there will be clashes occasionally with other events - youth track clusters / Darley Moor circuit races but hopefully these will be infrequent and will still give an opportunity to ride for those not attending those events.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at these rides throughout the year
Older riders on the road need to be at least 12 years of age, a member of British Cycling (Silver) or a CTC member and capable of riding 20 to 30 miles.
All riders must have a well maintained bike, clothing appropriate to the conditions, and some basic equipment. This must include a helmet, gloves, rain jacket, drink, and a spare innertube. Parents/guardians are encouraged to join the ride.
If you would like to join us please email Rob Williams on